Choir Trip, Spring Break
We’re driving back to Idaho after a lovely trip to Utah. It’s Spring Break this week! Hooray. Last week Tuesday felt like a Saturday. Essentially, the students at school were all squirrely, tired, and so ready for a week off. I am having students copy paragraphs in computer lab. It warms my mom heart to hear all the whining and the glazed over eyeballs. Ha ha. I had fun spending some of my grant money on 7 coding mats for the bee bots, 10 micro:bit expansion kits (with alligator clips and extra sensors), and lots of flash cards for the mats. Wednesday afterschool I had the last “Coding without Fear” training. We chatted about AI in the classroom and what we are extending into the classroom from the knowledge we gained from the training. We had a gal from Virginia talk for about 30 minutes about AI and how we can prepare students to use it properly and responsibly. The repercussions of AI are honestly a bit daunting and intimidating. It was already difficult to separate real from genera...