We attended the yearly Pay Family Home Evening at Draper park today. There were a lot of Calls there! Yipee. We picked up Cafe Rio for dinner before heading to the park. Two of Bruce's brothers were in attendance with their children. All the kids splashed in the ankle chilling water of a small stream running through the park. Amelia thought running through the water (with help) was hilarious. This is the third year I've attended and the stream was always within it's banks. The stream flooded about four feet beyond it's banks this year. Visiting with family is always fun. Melissa was glad to see cousins and family she had not seen in years. Fun times.


Taylor's said…
It seems as though everyone had Family Reunions last night for their FHE. It looks like you guys had a ball! Family is really fun, I agree.
Johnson Family said…
Looks fun! Don't you love that it is finally warming up again...however it has been a bit shocking to my system! LOL Anyway, are we still good for tomorrow?!

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