I Love the DI
I must have inherited Grandpa Baerwaldt's love of getting good deals. My mom has it and so do I. James and Miekka live next to the Murray DI. Nearly each time I visit their home I make a stop at the DI. In my opinion they have the BEST DI ever. This time I found a very cute child sized table and four chairs for $17 (I was looking to spend about $250), a wrought iron baby doll bed, a mega cute skirt, and an entire rack of diaper covers (bloomers). When I photograph infants I like to have them stripped down to a diaper and stinkin' cute diaper cover. I discovered an entire rack of diaper covers. Heaven!

The little bed had a warped mattress holder thingy. I pulled out plywood, cardboard, foam board, MDF, trying to find something to strengthen the bottom so a child could actually fit. Finally, I tried an extra wire shelf for a closet system the previous owners installed. It fit almost perfectly. Amelia danced to the music of me sawing off metal parts of the shelf with a hack saw. The music was pretty. After that I wrapped an old pillow to the shelf, bound it down with yarn, then wrapped some batting and cloth around my contraption and glued it all together. Glue guns are one of the top 100 favorite inventions. The result is a very sturdy thingy that fit perfectly in the bed of the...bed. Sometimes my thinking avenues surprise me. I hope that doesn't sound conceited. Just WOW! What amazing things our brains can be. Amelia helped me showcase the baby doll bed.
