
Amelia in her cute new shirt

Biffed it at the park on wood chips

Scrapped her knee on the sidewalk

Poor baby!!! Looks like she lost the battle with the sidewalk and wood chips. Today was really fun for me. This morning Miekka watched Amelia for me while I attended a Photoshop class. Last week I discovered another store, Pictureline, in SLC that offers free classes. They offer classes twice a week on various photography topics. The guy who taught the class was phenomenal. He showed us some short cuts and tricks using layer masks that made me giddy. I use Photoshop Elements instead of the full blown Photoshop CS3. It does not have some of the tools PS3 has but I am slowly learning to circumnavigate around the missing tools. One crucial missing tool is something called a layer mask. I finally found a decent "mask" to download off the internet for elements that does a good job. My new monitor came in the mail today. It rocks. Fun times.

I met Miekka at Hancock Fabrics. We spent a merry time perusing fabric for a nursing shawl Miekka is making for a friend and fun fabric to make appliques out of. Jessica, you hooked me on appliques! Thanks! Afterwards we had lunch at McDonalds. Yum...or something. How come crafting is so expensive? Sometimes I lament my expensive hobbies.

This afternoon I finally reached my dirty carpet limit so cleaned the main level carpets. The carpet looks much better. Funny how when your carpet is dirty it feels like the whole house is dirty. My good friend Melody invited us over for an impromptu dinner. We went on a walk to the local park afterwards. Amelia kept tripping on the wood chips, eventually performing an awesome dive and slide through the chips on her face and legs. She was brave, didn't even cry...until I made eye contact that is!


Taylor's said…
So fun! I want to hear all the new tricks!

And poor Amelia. Have you looked at Kate's forehead?

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