Ash Shubak

About 30-40 minutes away from Petra we stopped at one of the desert castles, Ash Shubak. It was very similar to Karak. The castle was built on a high hill, the slope was paved into a Glacie. The one side connecting to the spine of the hill was protected by a moat. Ironically, it fell by siege just a couple months after Saladin conquered Karak. The castle was inhabited until 1950! The landscape was very reminiscent of Wyoming and Idaho. Dad hired an insistent guide to show us around. He was an informative guide with hands like an octopus. Back in the day he would have been appropriately called, "Fresh with the ladies." At one point he led me down a tunnel to where the tunnel opened under the floor of the chapel, calling Justin to come view his treasure (me). You got that right buddy. Amelia thought I was playing peek-a-boo. The castle housed a school of Arabic until 1953. Water is essential to survival here in Jordan (and anywhere I suppose). A spring clear on the valley floor was that closest water source besides rain cisterns. The boys investigated a tunnel of 376 steps leading from the castle to the spring. The girls went back to the visitor's center. Amelia scored two cool necklaces and a chocolate bar. Lucky girl.

Mom pointed out a section of desert covered with Iron Pyrite expelled from a volcano covering a large area. We stopped and Courtenay and I jumped out to admire the black rocks sitting on the sand. It gave the land an alien feel.

On the drive home Dad went through tunes on both Justin and Courtenay's iPods. His favorite song ended up being, Celebration! He asked Court to play the song again...she said no! Dad sort of balked then went back to listening to other songs that never quite made the bar. You could tell when Dad liked a song because he'd waggle his fingers and bounce his shoulders. We were all rockin' out! What an awesome trip.


Taylor's said…
It is so fun to look through all the pictures and here of the ventures because it reminds me of looking back through all of my parents and brothers photos . . . almost the same pictures except with different people!

When again are you going to come home?

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