John's Birthday
Phew! I am one tired gal! Poor Amelia is just as worn out. She's had late nights and early mornings for two whole weeks now. Thursday night/Friday morning she decided to get up at 3:00 am ready for the day. I amused her as best I could until the sun rose around 5:30. We watched a movie, snuggled, jumped on her train bed, and such for two hours. It was a long night. We went on a LONG walk from 5:45 am until 7:30 so she would not wake up the others. My poor body does not do well when it comes to walking this pregnancy. Walking induces major contractions and general discomfort this time around. We came home to find Mom awake and everyone else still asleep. I crashed on the couch for 30 minutes. Courtenay made a yummy breakfast for John's birthday. He turned 29 on Friday. I took another nap for a little while then went on a drive to help Amelia nap. She ended up napping for about an hour, when she woke up the poor thing was so tired she cried for about 2 hours. I banished her to our room while organizing the car for our trip home. Mom kindly took over and helped her take another nap. I took a third nap! Goodness, I am not sure about being able to care for a nursing baby in less than 2 months.
Mom said Mia woke up from her nap saying her right ear hurt. I called Justin to find an in-network provider. Luckily, the local Instacare is part of our network so we paid them a visit. She had some earwax build up around her tubes causing painful ear pressure. We got some ear drops to break up the build up. She seems to be doing better.
We had a family dinner to honor John's birthday that evening. John smoked some pork for everyone. Mom made potato salad, James made beans, and Miekka made carrot cake. I made an appearance!! LOL. Funny story: I went with mom to Macey's for a couple food items. Besides picking up food storage items I ended up making a $1.24 credit card transaction for a pack of Hubba Bubba gum. Amelia snatched a pack and was chawing two pieces at one time. The bagger lady bent down to see her (she was in one of those "car" carts) and commented on her gum. The gum was so big it was frothing out of her mouth and was seeping down to her chest. I had just paid for everything so had to buy a pack of gum as well!! Those car carts are tricky!! This is the second incident with candy and that type of cart.
Courtenay made a cute chair cover for the birthday boy and a fun banner. We enjoyed telling John stories and watching a video of John at Jarom's wedding. He dressed up as a go-go girl for a karaoke contest. Pretty funny stuff.
She slept better through the night so Mia and I made our way back to Nebraska leaving Mom's house around 8:30. Her ears bothered her quite a bit so was not as content to just watch her movies. We made pretty good time at first making our first stop in Rawlings for lunch. We stopped again at the Lincoln Highway monument because her ears were bothering her. She enjoyed running around and charming everyone with her "gackes" (translation for sunglasses). I think we pulled into Sidney around 5:30. Mia clung to Justin for 10 minutes in an awesome hug. She sure loves her daddy. It actually felt nice to be back in Sidney. Guess the place is growing on me. Hope our house sells soon. We may end up bringing our little baby back to this apartment the way things are going. I am most worried about all our food storage spending the summer in high heat. I'd hate to lose all that food!!!
Hey - I don't know if you received my message or not but we went to see Misty Andrews last night and things are certainly not looking good. I think she will pass at any moment. Jake is handling things well, okay - call me.