A Bonkity Bonk on the Head

This little cutie learned how to babble a syllable Monday morning! Justin placed Phillip next to me in bed after he got up. I was in a state of half-alertness. All of the sudden I realized Phillip was saying, "bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo." I cracked open one eye to see his eye right next to mine intently telling me a story about "Bo." I swiftly snuggled his little happy body and crooned back to him. He did not perform his new trick until this afternoon for the camera. We mostly see him babbling when he is holding a cool toy or his super interesting toes.

I am having so much fun playing with my new studio set-up. Course, the kids are my guinea pigs. Most of the kinks are worked out now! I had a cute little model come over Monday afternoon. She was at the perfect age for a vintage shabby look. Before the session I whipped up a fun little skirt out of cream organza with a tutu underneath that matched some stringed pearls. I am nearly done editing a whole batch of new photos. You can view one session here.

Last night in between piano lessons I made dinner. Amelia was helping Phillip bounce in his bouncer. I moved him up to the counter and removed her chair. As I got an ingredient out of the fridge she managed to bounce Phillip of the counter onto his head and left side of his face. He screamed for 5 minutes then went into a strange sleep in my arms. Goodness, my heart about stopped. Amelia hurt her arm in the process so I had to wailing kids wanting the same amount of comfort. I was sweating bullets watching Phillip's eye swell up and a long red stripe appear. He woke back up after 10 minutes. The swelling went down and his red stripe eventually faded by the time Justin got home. Phillip seems fine this morning.

My cousin Carla inspired me to start some Montisorri "work" with Amelia. Last week I colored dried pasta for her sort. This week we had some water transfer activities, shape sorting, and animal works. She really loves the attention and is excited when she learns a new task. I plan on having about 10-15 works ready to rotate through. I will gradually rotate these activities during nursing time and when I need to work on the computer. Yesterday she surprised me by speaking Spanish! We were going down stairs and she said, "Mommy, vamos abajo the stairs-o." Guess Dora does teach some Spanish! Another funny thing is she has a Nephite friend named Martin. He sings primary songs with her while she stand on a "library chair" (a bean bag), with a pretend microphone.

I am trying to keep afloat lately. Sort of going through a selfish "poor me" crisis. Not sure why I feel so crappy lately. I should be feeling awesome due to the healthy diet, increased exercise, etc. Nah, I am more tired than ever. Alison and Justin listened to my sob story last night. Have you ever felt like a collection of undeveloped talents? I feel like I can do a lot of small things but nothing really well. Probably my most accomplished talent right now is being the best mom I can be and crocheting certain hat patterns. My photography is getting better but I still lack the proper camera and tools to get the effects I want. There is so much to learn and do in this life! Do you ever feel that you just woke up then look at the clock and it is 11 pm? The next question is, what happened today?!

I am looking forward to a fun weekend with Catherine, Malisia, and Kate. They are our good friends and neighbors from our Utah days. Kate and Mia are very close in age so should have a great time. Nearly time for another Valentine's Day...maybe Justin and I can go on a date.


That is SO scary about Phillip! Check his eyes - are his pupils the same size? Go, check now...
I understand how you're feeling about underdeveloped talents and the days slipping by without feeling productive in any way. Most days feel like this for me. I guess that is why I "do" so much. I want to feel like I've done something substantial. Most days don't feel that way at all.
I feel your pain.
(And I can't wait to see that recent photo shoot!!!)
Madison Grunig said…
You feel like a collection of undeveloped talents??? Wow, I certainly can't be comparing myself to you then or I would feel like a big old slug. You're incredible! And I hope that sweet, little Phillip is okay. I hate when stuff like that happens. It's so scary.
sista, sista, soul sista...we've had our venting moments this week and I totally hear you!!!

I have a cute little blonde model you can play around with in your studio! She loves to dress up lately!

You give my Phillip a big ol' kiss and hug! I'll snuggle him on Sunday...or sooner! I need a fix! :)
The Funny Farm said…
You are one busy woman!! I'm excited to hear about your Montessori venture with Amelia. If you wouldn't mind, could you post some pictures of her "work" so I can get more ideas? How did you color the pasta - that's a great idea. Mom used to do that for us and we'd string it on some yarn...humm, another work idea! Sure wish we lived closer so you could photo my kidos!! Are you planning a vacation to Idaho anytime soon? We have a big house and you could stay with us... or tell Justin he could stay in the wall tent outside - that's where Scott likes to escape to! :) Keep having fun, you are an inspiration to me!!
jenni, jenni. you have a plethora of talents...i am jealous of your photography skillz and your cute appliques! i know how you feel though. :} you are awesome!
Taylor's said…
First and foremost - thank you, thank you, thank you for the best weekend I have had with a TRUE FRIEND in a long time - I really needed your spirit! I seriously miss you every day - Kate is still talking about Amelia and "what her house says"

Your house is beautiful - find us a job out there I will move - seriously I would, if it means living by you and learning everything you know - I would move in a heartbeat!

Afterall, it seems as though Jeff and I get treated better from you guys than our own family.

Missing your guts already!

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