To my Daddy-Ba-Daddy

Hi Daddy! We miss you! My Daddy drove to Lincoln to tour a dusty old bank for Cabela's. He got to stay in a fancy hotel with a pool and eat Prime Rib. Mommy, Phillip, and Amelia stayed home and ate Macaroni and Cheese. I recently started calling my daddy, daddy-ba-daddy. He eats it up. Mommy found me Snow White slippers at the consignment store this morning. I love them! You can even see my Snow White smile.

Poor brother cried at the hospital today. Mommy took him to get ouchies on his leggies. I charmed all the ladies with my pink hat, pink boots, and squirrel shirt. Phillip was pretty cute for a boy but he spits up on everything. Today my Mommy is taking me to Old McDonald's for lunch because Daddy is gone. He is coming home on his blue horse car today when it is time for jammies.

I sent my first email today this is what I told Mommy to write:

Hi Prince Daddy. Come home on your blue horse. I am Snow White today. Mommy got me Snow White slippers, and my prince daddy loves it. Prince Daddy is Prince Charming. Prince Daddy wants to go to Old Mcdonald's with me, and have a hamburger in my princess dress...he he, that's silly. Prince Daddy loves me and he likes me and he's silly. OK, I love you daddy....and Amelia loves her prince daddy~~~Mommy loves her Prince too....



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