Diaper Fairy Princess
The diaper fairy princess stopped at our home Sunday night and TOOK all Amelia's diapers with her to the baby princess castle. We had to put on cute underwear Amelia received on her birthday. This week was an emotionally charged one with good times and not so great times. Monday and Tuesday our house was filled with crying, screaming, and naughty behavior on Amelia's side. She did NOT want to use the potty. Monday she peed in her pannies 6 times and pooped twice. Tuesday 8 times for pee and twice for poop. Wednesday she had one accident caused by clothing that was hard to remove. Thursday and Friday just poop accidents. Saturday NO accidents! Once she caught on to actually earning potty treats and realized I was NOT backing down she decided having wet pants was no fun. I think when we get her first poop in the potty she will decide it is fine. She gets cold showers for poop in her pannies. Oddly, this is not really effective. She just stands there, cries a little, then goes on to poop again in her pannies. I think she loves the cheering and strange joyful jumping mommy and daddy do when she is successful. Her treats of choice are chocolate cookies (aka York Peppermint Patties) and 3 Musketeers. During our transitional phase Monday-Wednesday we had a pretty rough go. She spent most of her days sitting on the potty with me reading her books, coloring, watching a movie, and mom crocheting three hats. Thursday morning she got out of bed and went to the potty all by herself before coming to say Good Morning. Yes!! She loves her Princess potty and is showing classic signs of independence...and LOVING the rewards. Way to go Amelia! I decided that skirts are awesome for potty training. Can boys wear skirts too?
I have a fun reward (Tinkerbell movie) for her once she puts her poop in the potty. Friday she after pooping in her pannies she took them off and threw them in the potty, then came and told me she put her poop in the potty. Indeed, she put her poop in the potty. I had to rephrase that one. Yesterday we drove to Cheyenne for Stake Conference. I took her pink potty with us. We had no accidents in the car or while on the road. She is scared to use the big potties in public places. During the adult session I stopped by nursery to see if she needed to go. Turns out she told one of the ladies there, went to the big girl potty, and wanted 3 potty treats for her effort. I almost dropped my teeth! I love hearing her describe what she thinks is happening to her body. Yesterday she told me the butterflies under her belly button told her she had to go pee-pee. So GLORY ON AMELIA!
Hopefully, she will resolve the poop this week.