The Joy of Sunflowers

My good friend told me about a field of sunflowers in prime bloom on Monday. I was dying to go see the flowers. Yesterday I drove by the fields, oh. my. goodness. So beautiful! I immediately had a vision of a photoshoot set in my mind. Too bad Miss Ella is gone, we had to improvise and use only Amelia. No tea party with sunflowers this year. I am photographing a HS senior girl tomorrow, yep, we are going to the sunflower fields. I bathed Amelia and put the pretty white dress Catherine let us borrow and drove the family out to the fields at sunset. Amelia was acting sooooo funny. She loved the flowers and gave me some very silly faces. All for a bag of marshmallows.

Justin's department threw a huge picnic party yesterday afternoon. We enjoyed eating lunch with some of his coworkers. Justin had the rest of the afternoon off. I went to Walmart by myself. Amelia played with Lily at the park and later at her home. Justin and Phillip enjoyed a long afternoon nap. Maleia watched the kiddos (sleep) while we went with Greg, Matt, and Keith to see The Other Guys movie. Oh my, it was funny! Justin laughing was about as funny as the jokes. We all worked out our abs with the laughing.

The kids and I were at the park again this afternoon for lunch with the Relief Society sisters. It was HOT! Phillip is teething again, so is super boogery and clingy. Charity, Melissa, and kids should be here by dinner time. They are returning back home from visiting in Virginia. Amelia is very excited to host another Hotel Amelia.

check out my photo blog for more sunflower photos:


I am so we are missing your sunflower photo shoot!!!!! I wish Ella was there too! I hope there are some when we get home!!! Good job!
Johnson Family said…
Oh know how I feel about sunflowers!!! Love these pics!!! Love sunflowers!!!
Nancy K said…
I want to go to that field RIGHT now! I love her in the white dress-drooling over how cute that picture is of her!
Courtenay Beth said…
WOAH! Jenni, these photos are like, a whole new dimension...gorgeous! Love that girl, Love the flowers, STUNNING! I am almost speechless, except for that I keep rambling...anyway, LOVE them!!!
James Lance said…
Hey Jenny. These have to be the best pictures I've seen from you. They are amazing. Keep it up.
jean said…
oh, I do love sunflowers. What gorgeous pictures. Amelia looked so cute posing in her white dress.
Brittney said…
That is so beautiful! Looks like you guys have been living an excellent adventure this summer!
wow those sunflowers are amazing. that first picture is awesome Jenni!

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