The Beach: Smelly Style
As mentioned we went to Saltair for a couple photo shoots on Wednesday. My sister Jana met us there first. It was a little windy with a welcome cloud cover providing a nice filtered light. Jana was pretty cooperative, she did not even need to eat any smarties as incentive for posing. Amelia was copying Aunt Jana pose, her attempts were pretty funny. My most excellent friends, the Taylor family, met us there about 30 minutes after Jana arrived. They swapped places in front of my camera. The Taylor's were up for the trek down to the sand and water. Phew, the sand and water was really stinky. Sand flies swarmed a couple of areas. Amelia was utterly enthralled to be at the beach, girl, if you only knew! Malisia, Kate, and Amelia got soaking wet playing in the water. In the meantime I managed to get a couple family photos and fun water poses. I can't wait to edit them! We were at Saltair until after 8 pm. Amelia was suffering from no mac n' cheese for a couple days, we stopped at got her some at KFC. The adults enjoyed Chik-fil-a. The kiddos were super cranky and tired by the time we rolled up to the Lance home.
I included a photo on the kiddos chillin' watching Little Einsteins. The reason is to show off my new birthday gift: a flash and sync cord! It is really hard to get a view out of a sunny window and still have the interior properly light. My new flash helps out a ton!