And Now We are Five
Apple, Flower, and Bunny Gunny
Amelia modeling her Christmas PJs from Grandma Debbie
So most of you have heard or figured out that I am pregnant! Yippee! I included this tidbit in our Christmas card, so maybe it is time to announce it here too. The new baby is due around 10 June 2011. This one turned out to be a surprise, at least time wise. It took us a while to get pregnant with both Amelia and Phillip, this one was well less than a month. Guess the new baby is anxious to join our madness. Amelia is convinced I am having twin girls, Belle and Aurora. I think she is right about a girl, wrong about the twins. Morning (aka 24 hour) sickness is mostly passed. This time around morning sickness was super uncomfortable and prolonged, paired with nasty migraines I was laid low most days. At the magical 13th week I started to feel human again. Earlier this week Amelia and I watched some videos about fetal development. At one point the video showed an animation on the umbilical cord with blood cells flowing. She is most pleased to tell anyone that she had a long, long, long, long, long Dee-Doo (our word for belly button) with cheerios in it. Perfect example of a child indexing new knowledge into an existing category. Too funny.
Monday I spent the entire day in Scottsbluff shopping and attending two Dr appts. Amelia stayed with Alison and Ella. I was giddy with excitement at the prospect of shopping with ease and finishing Christmas shopping without knowing eyes. We picked up Fork from Walmart after doing some shopping there. Amelia renamed Fork, she is now known as Bunny Gunny the girl Reindeer. Phillip wiggled himself out of the cart seat belt and nose planted himself onto the hard floor. Poor kid had a fat lip and bleeding nose. He cried for 10 minutes then resumed flirting with anyone who paid attention. One sweet couple gave Phillip a dollar and bought him two large packages of M&Ms. Oh, the delighted chortling from that kid! The M&Ms did get us through the rest of the day. I met with an Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor first. He suggested cauterizing my tonsils first before considering removing them. He stuck a huge match into my mouth and cauterized my right tonsil. Strange sensation! I will visit him another couple times until my tonsil crypts are all cauterized. Next we saw the OBGYN. Took about 5 minutes, peed in a cup, listened to the heartbeat, chatted for a second, and left. The Dr was a little concerned I had not gained weight. Dude, I have an active 16 month old, who would gain weight?
The rest of our week was pretty laid back. Justin worked on setting up my new computer. He transferred ALL of my photos into my new system. Guess it really is time to organize everything. Overwhelming!! Sleep was hard to come by this week. Phillip was awake most of Monday night, due to a headache from his fall. Amelia is having growing pains again. Last night she complained of: itchy leg, hurting mouth, fever, achy leg, then a twitching little toe. After each pain, all at different times during the night, she requested to sleep with me. I think she just wanted to sleep with me so tried to think of painful things. I thought the twitchy toe was inventive.
Mia and Ella had a grand time playing together! They were convinced they were keeping each other FOREVER!!
Miss Mia...come over for a sleep over so your MOM can sleep through the night!