The Sleepover
The kids really enjoyed staying with the Haley family Thursday, Friday, and part of Saturday. Alison really picked up my slack! She and Rose cleaned my home (mega thanks), Alison packed up the kid's stuff, and toted them around. Phillip cannot stop chattering about Ella. He sure loves his sugar momma. Ella takes good care of Phillip. I feel so grateful for Alison and Matt. Knowing your kids are well taken care of is, well, a relief. Amelia loved playing dress up with Ella and sleeping on her pillow. Phillip clutches the Kung Fu Panda toy he got from McDonald's trying to share it with Everett. He even has me wrap his panda in a blanket. Warms my heart! Thank you so much Alison!
I am also grateful for those ladies who brought over dinner for us. We loved it all.
I am a little overwhelmed with having three right now. Phillip continues his antics even with Justin running interference. Sunday he filled my candles with syrup and was found eating the syrup from the candles with a spoon. I forgot how time consuming nursing a newborn can be. Everett is a slow, yet vigorous nurser. Everything aches at this time. My body feels better everyday. Little man is nursing every 2-3 hours for 45 minutes or longer (including burping etc). It is hard to get up and move when the kids are going bonkers. Amelia is being a bit bossy and retaliative. I need to come up with some schemes for those hours I am nursing. One plus is the nicer weather, I can nurse outside and let the kids play. Luckily, I know that my schedule is clear and can focus on this transition. One day at a time!
I am sooo sorry life is hard. Just think there is nowhere to go but up from here - give yourself a break - Everett is not even a week old . . . I will keep you in my prayers!