We're BEET

Ha, ha. We're beet?! Yep, on more than one level. Saturday was a busy day. Justin had an Elder's Quourm activity all morning then helped the Haley's move the rest of their stuff until 4:30. Only a couple guys showed up to help out so that was a bit frustrating for everyone involved. Saturday night we went to the park for a little while then had ice cream at DQ. Everett started running a fever that evening. I expected a fever after getting immunized. This time it lasted a lot longer than usual with more side effects.

Our first week in nursery was fun. We have 8-11 kids at one time, which is a vast improvement over the 2-3 we used to have. Thankfully another parent decided to come and play with us. Justin held the baby until he fell asleep. Then we had music, snack, lesson, and activity. Phew! Should be interesting to say the least. I plucked a huge beet from our garden.

Monday and Tuesday poor Everett was very sick. He acted like his ears were bothering him so I took him into the DR on Tuesday but they said he looked just fine, except for the constant crying. Monday night he would only sleep if I held him a certain way. It also seemed that even touching him caused pain. My heart strings pull watching the little tyke suffer like that. He is finally acting more normal today. I am starting to feel sick again. Everett and I keep swapping sick germs. Plus a missed night of sleep did not help. My arms are getting buff from toting around a 13 lb kid. Guess we just needed to pay a copay to figure out he was getting better. I started piano lessons yesterday for Traeli. This term I only have two students.

Amelia and Phillip super, duper, pooper love Phillip's new dump truck. Not for dumping but for giving and getting rides. Last night they raced up and down the walks pushing each other. Phillip was not a very straight driver, he kept bonking into the pavers nearly popping Amelia out. It is funny to watch them play together. They also started a funny game at the dinner table. They each take a bite, then yell: "DUUUUUUUUDE!" I am not sure why this is funny but they love it. Phillip suddenly learned how to pronounce the "K" sound. He asks for milK, with a capital K. He asks for Kakalate (chocolate) MILK about 5 times a day.

Today I noticed Everett started bringing his feet up to his chest on purpose! He is pretty close to grabbing his toes. Ella came over to play in the sideyard. We filled up the pool and put our new/old slide (thanks Alison) inside. The kids played and played! I put Phillip and Everett down for naps then went to check on the girls. They both stopped me in the garage saying I would get mad if I saw what they did. That made me pretty curious. They made sand pies! I laughed! They piled sand, grass, leaves, and marshmallows into a bowl and poured water on the concoction. Ella made a special perfume in a spray bottle with grass and water. Next week we start preschool. Yikes! I need to get ready since I am teaching the first week. Today Amelia said, "Mom do you know what bumble bees are? The bumbles are bees... and the bees are bumbles." Perfect sense! LOL.


jean said…
What a beet! I loved the pictures of the kids playing with the new dump truck. Is Everett better? GMa Jean
Wow! That beet is the size of E's head! Amazing!!!
I'm glad E is on the mend. I hope you get to feeling better, too.
Miss you. :)
Taylor's said…
That beet is HUGE! Mega HUGE!

That so stinks about poor E being sick and then to top it off you get little sleep already and then to add more no sleeping is not a good combination. Uber sorry - I really hope the sickness does not end up with everyone taking a turn.

Those pictures of A and P in the newest vehicle to your family (ie the dump truck) so are so cute and priceless! I love the interaction between siblings and the memories created.

I really can't wait to see what you have up your sleeves for preschool this year! I so could not do that - I just don't have the personality to let kids be messy or dirty - good thing there are people out there like you for that!

And "K" is a hard sound for most kids - most impressed with the little man!

Bumble bees - cracks me up! She is such a joy!

I can't wait to hear about preschool next week!

Have an enjoyable and hopefully relaxing extended weekend for Labor Day!
holy beet! Never tried one and don't think I will, I have crazy memories of my grandma trying to make me eat them growing up. ha ha

Thanks again for letting Ella play, she was asleep by 7:30 last night on the drive! And thanks to J for all the moving help, two weekends in a row!

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