Oh Deer!
Our weekend was pretty relaxing. It seemed we did a lot but really didn't. The main item of the weekend was getting the tables and chairs I borrowed from the church back to the building. We had to borrow the right keys, a truck, the keys for the studio, and then ferry the kids while we loaded and unloaded. The missionaries were at the church while we unloaded. Turned out they did not have dinner scheduled so we invited them over for some food. I made roast beef and caramelized onion panini sandwiches with Gruyere cheese and a spinach/strawberry salad. For an impromptu dinner it was pretty scrumptious. I finished about 6 loads of laundry and folded...and put away before bedtime. That is an accomplishment.
Sunday was stake conference. Justin was called to be our ward Family History Specialist through the stake. It should be interesting and very exciting. He attended a fireside for the youth this evening to talk with them about family history. Our youth took up the Apostle's challenge to work on Family History. Justin will do amazing work with the youth and our ward. Two hours of stake conference was a bit difficult for us. The sound was crappy so it was hard to hear, then add Phillip and Everett as extra sound buffers. Sometimes it feels so pointless to sit through church. I know it will pay off but most Sundays I walk away feeling the same as before. I get more out of my personal scripture study than church.
Preschool is at our home this week. We are learning about the letter W, weather, and the star shape. I love teaching the kids when our turn comes. So far we conducted some weather experiments with wind (using a straw to blow various objects), made snow paintings, and learned how to draw stars. Today we learned about weather patterns, temperature, practiced drawing W with finger paints, and made a weather wheel. More fun to come on Friday!
I am also quite busy with several crochet orders this week. I have about 5 more hats to crochet and some headbands to sew this week. My new favorite hat was by request from Laurie Mason. She just welcomed her first grandson a couple weeks ago. She wanted me to make a deer hat with antlers for her new grandbaby. Her son loves to deer hunt! It was fun and challenging to make up a pattern for the ears and antlers. Turned out pretty cute! You may see a repeat hat for Everett. Shocker, I know. I ran out of yarn for the next two hats. The lady wanted matching mother daughter hats. Finished the mother and half of the daughter hat. Stink-0! There is no Walmart near enough to just jaunt out and snag up one more skein of yarn.
The kids and I visited Alison and Ella out on their new property. Holy smokes! Their new home is filled with natural light and spacious rooms. They have a huge garage and a shop nearly as big as their home. Alison was so excited to show off her new place! I was equally excited to finally get a tour. Alison, I am so glad your house journey is almost over! That was a long, hard haul.
Phillip decided he likes to bathe with whatever items are in or near the bathroom that are not bolted to the floor. Yes, he is bathing with 5 large bath towels, my carpet cleaner reservoirs, a ball, and bath toys. Today he decided to rip open two cartons of chocolate pudding mix...and fill the BOXES with heavy whipping cream. He was in thralls over the delicious flavor of cardboard and cream. Amelia noticed some dry skin on her knuckles. One spot had a tiny dot of blood. She freaked out! I lotioned up her hands and put a band-aid on. She asked me with Anne of Green Gables flair, "Mom, will I live?" What a dramatic kid. She goes around the house singing "Get Your Sparkle On" and handing out free fashion tips. Phillip's vocabulary is growing larger and larger every day. I can't keep track of all the new words he says now. He is also annunciating and pronouncing words instead of mimicking the inflections. Justin calls him Cawa-cawa Milk boy. He would drink nothing except chocolate milk if he ruled the world. That stuff is ambrosia for Phillip.
Lastly, the nelves made an appearance last night. Innej cropped up out of my past to become Amelia's new personal nelf. Innej was one of my nelves when I was a kid. Innej left some peanut M&Ms and a note. Amelia was so funny and hyper about being obedient. It is hard not to milk it. Amelia was convinced that the nelf would leave her a note under her pillow like Pinkalicious. I obliged and left a fun note and coloring pages for her. Pure joy this morning!
Phillip cracks me up all those things - I think I would just cry if he was mine - I don't know how you do it!
And Miss Amelia - oh she just makes me laugh - and Anne of Green Gables to a "T"!
If case you did not hear or read all over facebook - Annie Merkley passed last Monday in her home, her funeral is tomorrow afternoon.