April Showers Bring May Flowers


Enjoyed a fun themed photoshoot for my kids. I set up the scene for another little lady who came over after I tried it out! Everett was asleep, frown. Amelia is quite the ham. She is going to be a stage personality one day. Each of our children brings a totally different "flavor" into our home.


Missa said…
I love that back ground. How clever! Such cute kids too!
glad you could finally put that pretty umbrella to use!! Fun idea!
Taylor's said…
super dang cute!!!! Seriously how long did that back drop take to make?!?

I must say Amelia is haming it up!! And Phillip is so cute with just his pants on!

PS Kate is mailing Amelia a birthday card!
Christy said…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those clouds! Amazing. What fun shots!
Courtenay Beth said…
I am so in love with this! Love those kiddos, love the set up, your choice for colors, stunning, love every bit of it! And I am diggin your new logo! Xoxo

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