Pre-Easter Run
Stupendous! Amazing! Cacophonous! Uplifting! Just some adjectives to describe last week. We enjoyed a fun and FULL week. I left off my life story with Everett's latest milestones at 10 months old. He is fully adjusted to sleeping now with no swaddling at all. I can hear him babbling to himself for up to 20 minutes before he cries for me. It is pretty sweet listening to him wake up. Everett loves to sleep on his tummy with one arm over his monkey binky keeping it close by. Nothing is sweeter than a sleeping baby!
One adjective of the week-cacophonous-is due to Everett's new sound effect. He makes a funny noise that sounds like a mix cat screeching and radio static. Combine that with Amelia's constant whining, ummm, I mean wallowing in the depths of despair AND Phillip's noise (usually banging, screaming, and stomping) for a very loud set of noise. Oh, I need to add in my yelling voice, pleading for Amelia to stop whining and use a normal tone of voice, screaming "Phillip! NOOOOOOO!", and such. LOL.
Tuesday Justin babysat our kids and the Haley kids so Alison and I could watch Hunger Games. It was good! Wednesday I photographed a new little baby boy welcomed by a family in our ward. He was a perfect little angel! Check out my photography blog for his sneak peak. Thursday I decided to move Amelia's stuff permanently into Phillip's room. The arrangement is working nicely. It is taking me for-ev-ver to make the switch. One day to move closets, another to sort clothing & belongings, another to just clean up a bit, another day to remove wall paper border, etc. Stuff is piled all down the hall way and into the living room. Makes me crazy to have everything discombobulated like that. Working around two nap time schedules makes my time frame pretty limited. I hope to have Amelia's side of the room finished this week. Next week should be able finish painting and decorating Everett's room.
General Conference was amazing. President Packer's talk on children and parent's really impacted me. He advised parents to teach their children to pray. I know that is simple but the story he told about a little girl praying to stop fighting opened my eyes a bit. It was more than teaching to pray! What I got out of it is that instead of yelling I need to kneel and pray with my kids about what is happening right then and there. Through prayer maybe Phillip will learn to heed my voice the first time, maybe Amelia will learn to not whine, maybe I will learn more patience. Powerful concept.
The Webb family hosted a fun egg hunt and BBQ after Sat afternoon session. Those to attended provided a meat and a side dish to share. The kids were so excited to practice egg hunting before Easter! The older kids hid the eggs and treats all over the front of the property. Phillip was not so excited to carry around an empty basket while we waited. He threw out the paper filling about 20 times in favor for rocks and sticks. Once the race started he was quite keen on keeping the paper in and collecting eggs. The first egg he picked up Phillip yelled, "I did it!" then opened it to find candy, "YUMMY!" After that discovery there was no stopping him. Amelia and Ella were all over the place snatching eggs as fast as possible. Everett was so excited watching the excitement from the baby backpack that I could barely maintain my footing. After the guys left for Priesthood session the gals and kids stayed around for talking, playing, and eventually a bonfire. Towards the end of the evening I looked up to find Phillip at the top of a cliff calmly trying to walk down the cliff. Thanks to Trissha for jumping up and rescuing him. Heart attack for sure. Yep, my ticker still works.
I have toddlers. That means my home is a constant collection of clutter. I am starting to understand that I either can worry about it and go insane, or just do what I can and not worry about appearances. One day my house will be clean. One day the kids will help out without me having to clean and reclean their attempts. One day I will miss them in their current young state. Enjoy the ride! Wheeee!
PS: I must be a little stressed out of late. Amelia asked me what a "head basket" was and if it was "a bad thing when a head basket blows." I find myself muttering, "I am going to blow a head gasket, if.....keeps whining," etc. She now thinks that when she whines I might put her head in a basket and blow it up. The imagery makes me laugh. Now to find a nice head basket for show.
I just have to agree with you about the messy house thing. I feel like I try so hard and it just doesn't stay as clean as I think it should, but that's little kids I guess. And you're so right - we will totally miss them being little when they're big enough to clean things up with us.
The Webb's was fun!!! Phillip nearly gives me a heart attack right along with you!!
And you have just a great look on life! I can't handle the mess in my own house . . . I wish I could be better about it . . .I applaud you at letting go and living in the moment! I will one day accomplish that - or at least I hope!
AND too funny about "head basket" - I love it!
Sorry I missed your calls . . . I worked all day Monday and Tuesday (and believe me I thought Malisia was gong to kill me both times when I went in to wake her up on "her" spring break!)
PS Malisia is going to be baptized the Saturday before Mother's Day (May 12th) - if by chance you come out we would love to have your family join us for such an occasion!