Party at the Haley's

Wednesday we rocked the Fourth of July with about 50 of our favorite people from Sidney. Justin had to work Wednesday until noon thirty. The kids and I had a fun parade down Main street with a wagon and toy dog. We practiced our parade walks off and on until lunch time! I made three fruit pizzas for the party. Justin obediently took some photos of me and the kids. It is a rare "treat" for me. Phillip was more interested in climbing the fence and saving his pet monkey from the fence. Oh well. Thanks for trying Justin.
We chowed on some good eats provided by the attendees. Alison and Matt were the most amazing hosts. We had a great time. The kids scattered immediately. Amelia was super excited to finally go to Alison's party. She found me about 10 minutes after we got there to report the party was not as amazing as she thought. I told her to go find a friend and make it amazing. Stinker! Phillip spent most of his time inside cardboard boxes and running up and down the ramp. Everett had a glorious time eating food and eating bits of food from the grass that other folks had dropped from their plates. He also found a heavy Bocce ball to play with. Once the sun went down Matt started a movie outside projected to the side of their home. We left mid-movie with a van full of tired kids. Our neighbors light up fireworks until well after midnight. So much for an early night. Justin made fun of me because every 4th I tell about my childhood celebrations at Ft Bragg. Totally, hands down, the best 4th of July parties ever. My heart bleeds red, white, and blue.
Thanks for coming and helping with the desserts. No dessert pictures on your camera, the shame! :) You can steal from my blog post if you want! It was a blast and can't believe 75 people were there! PAR-TAY! First of many I hope!
Thanks, dear friend!