Back to School


A month ago I had the great idea to offer mini-sessions for back to school. Kelly jumped on board! Parents can bring their kids for a 10 minute slot to get memorable photos instead of the ones taken by the school. This was the result of our efforts! I found the desk for $10 at a local antique store. The rest was scrounged up from here and there. The outfit Mia is wearing is the last one I made for her. I LOVE it. I wanted to show parents that younger siblings could be incorporated as well. Everett wore a vintage suit I got when Phillip was little. So fun.


what, i didn't hear anything about those sessions. darn!
Courtenay Beth said…
ooooh man, SO cute! Love every single one of these, Little Everett melts my heart in that outfit, and MIA is as darling as ever! Love the set-up -looove those old books! Jealous of them actually! ;) Love you!
Taylor's said…
Oh my priceless!

Seriously too cute for words!

Amelia's outfit I absolutely love, love, love!!! Sometime I wish my kids did not have to wear uniforms so I make them cute outfits like that but when the mornings come . . .that is when I remember that I LOVE uniforms because there is no fighting on what to wear!

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