Evelyn at 9 Months
Our littlest beauty is now 9 months old. She weighed in at 16 lbs 02 oz a couple weeks ago. I think that is what the nurse told me. Kinda hazy after 3 weeks of motherhood. She is a total joy to our family. She has eyes that light up when her family comes into a room. She loves and hates Phillip at the same time. Lately, he's taken to carrying her around. She hates it so squeals like a pig when he gets too close. Everett can make her laugh when he plays peek-a-boo. Amelia is the best big sister ever. She guards Evelyn when needed.
She just learned how to wave and say Hi. Sometimes her other arm joins in the action. I noticed last week she is using her index finger to point at things and touch items with an exploratory touch. She can use the pincher move to pick up small bits of food. Evelyn is not too keen on table food yet. She gags most of the time instead of chewing. She loves to chew on her two fingers. No teeth coming yet, soon, but not yet. Good thing, she likes to bite me. I tell her no, and tap her nose, this apparently is silly and makes her giggle.