Eviction Notice
We really thought Evelyn was our last. I had little inklings now and then that maybe there was another child, but Justin was adamant about Evelyn being our last. I gave away most of our baby stuff over the past year, clothes, shoes, onesies, bouncers, baby seats, etc. Finally, the day came when my prayers were answered quite strongly. It took some convincing but Justin finally got his own answer. So....as expected...number 5 will be arriving on a 14 Feb due date. Our love baby. Crack me up!
I finally got to hear the heartbeat the day before my birthday. Sounds pretty good to me! Dr Shaw said that since this will be the 4th baby born here that she would forego some of the normal tests that aren't necessary since my info never changes. YES! Charity, Melissa, Raquel, and Diana are all positive this new baby will be a girl. I am always wrong, thought it was a boy! Should be fun to see what the tie breaker turns out to be! Course I am having twin dreams again. Dr Shaw said there is only one heartbeat so that made me feel better.
Gross alert: don't read if you get queasy...
The worst part is always the first trimester, when I can't really talk about how crappy I feel. It stinks, but keeps the whining to a minimum. Like usual morning sickness was very intense, yucky, and completely debilitating. My throat was so raw from throwing up so much it was tinged red with blood. I lost a couple pounds as usual. One day I was doing my thing, Evelyn waltzes into the bathroom and sees me barfing, she barfs on the floor. Phillip comes in to see why I am crying, he barfs on the floor. Same story with Everett. I could hear Amelia coming down the hall and yelled at her to go hide in the basement. Needless to say, clean up was messy and just as nauseating as the act itself. Now I am just feeling nauseous, I can deal with nausea just fine.