Hooray! Summer Vacation
The kids had a great last week of school. Each day was something new! We are excited to start summer vacation this year with a visit from the Lance cousins. They arrived the last day of school to spend 5 days with us.
Monday Amelia's school had an indoor BBQ since the weather was dismal. Everyone except Phillip was able to enjoy a Subway lunch with Mia on the floor in front of her classroom. I brought a picnic blanket for an authentic feel. Lunch was quite pleasant with out the lunch Nazis yelling for quiet every 30 seconds. FHE was quite enjoyable this week. Phillip taught a lesson on prayer. Everett had his usual meltdown over not getting to choose the activity. He relented after helping me make his birthday cake for treat. We made two: one to eat and one for his preschool. He chose a cool rainbow cake.
I had a really busy week with photography due to 3 babies coming 3-4 weeks early. Monday I took professional head shots for 3 beauty queens to use for their portfolio. Tuesday a baby girl, Wednesday an insurance office/year old cake smash/passport photos, Thursday 2 newborns and one more beauty queen, and Friday Everett's birthday photos. I am so behind and won't be able to catch up until after Amelia's surgery this coming Thursday. I did get all the ballet photos ready for pick up so that elephant is off my plate. With all the crazy busy this week my house really suffered. I hate all the clutter that accumulates when I don't have the time or energy to attack the piles.
Tuesday Amelia's grade went on a walking tour of downtown Sidney. Amelia was quite excited to ride in a wheelchair. My morning session mentioned seeing a girl in a wheelchair with a bunch of grade schoolers out walking. The wheel chair adventure totally made her day! She also worked on memorizing 5 Articles of Faith after school since she had no homework. Amelia and Will were chosen as recipients of the Principal's Award. Essentially, Will is King of the Third Grade and Amelia is Queen. She blushed furiously when she mentioned she got to be a Queen with Will as the King. Amelia has a crush on Will Siler! He is a golden kid, our previous Bishop's youngest kid. We are so proud of all her hard work. Good job on earning such a prestigious award.
Wednesday the kids had field days outside in the sunshine. Amelia was quite bored most of the day since she could not do much. I hired a babysitter to watch Evelyn and Josie sleep while I photographed the insurance office. Since she was at home I took the chance to take cake to Everett's school for his birthday. Phillip and Kaylee were huge helpers setting out plates with cake and utensils. He was beaming while Mrs Cassie had him in the middle of the circle while everyone sang. What a cute kid. The kids came home with heavy backpacks piled with paper and books we don't need. I don't know why the teachers want the parents to assume responsibility over their used books and papers. Amelia came home with tons of items Mrs Plant accumulated over 25 years of teaching at North Elementary. Mrs Plant retired this year! Glad Amelia could send her to retirement. Josie came with me to my afternoon photo sessions. It was a crazy day.
We continued the crazy by leaving the house at 8 am with all 5 kids in tow to pick up report cards, say goodbye to teachers, and get breakfast donuts. Phillip ended the year better than he started! He knows several sight words, can write legibly, and colors like a champ. Ms Hammond survived Phillip and 10 other boys during her first year as a kindergarten teacher. What an angel. Amelia exceeded all her educational goals once again. She finished the year reading 250 words per minute and topping the academic charts. Her efforts won her the Principal's Award. Everett finished his last day of preschool with a fun day outside. His favorite stations were the hula hoop bubbles, water beads, and chalk. I wanted to die after two long newborn sessions. The two babies were not settled and quite fussy. Josie was also quite unsettled and awake through both sessions. She only wanted me to hold her for the 5 hours of sessions I had.
Josie is reaching out for toys and found her fingers this week. I love the grabbing hands stage!
Evelyn found several rogue markers this week and made quick work decorating her body. She was delighted even bath water would not remove her art. Evelyn saw Justin watering a bare spot in the front yard, she quickly went for her rain boots to jump in the muddy puddle (like Peppa Pig).
The kids loved being outside in the dark waiting for Miekka, Seth, Jacob, and Lia to arrive from Utah. It was a rowdy welcoming! Let the fun times roll. Not too long prior to the Lance's arrival Mr Phillip almost got in huge trouble. He was not listening and got a very loud yelling at from Justin. Justin disappeared outside to let his blood pressure drop. Phillip was banging a pan on the bathroom door, crying because Amelia would not let him bathe with her. She does not want him in the tub because he farts and burps too much.