4 Months Old
Whelp, she is growing, not much, but growing. She got her 4 month shots, which made her very sad. The boys were impressed she wore two bandaids all day on her scrawny legs. She is quite small and slender for her age. Dr Shaw started her on zantac to see if spitting up less helps her gain weight. I noticed the medicine does help her spit up less volume, but about the same frequency. She loves to clasp her hands together, looks like she is praying.
*kicks her legs like a ninja, 3-4 quick ninja kicks at a time
*loves to bat at her toys while on the play mat on in her bouncy chair
*can flip over from belly to back if mad enough (from waving her hands around)
*smiles all the time
*started cooing, talking, sputtering, blowing rapsberries
*sucks on her tongue
*found her hands and toes
*started to bring objects to her slobber mouth
*loves to nurse
*loves to only nap in mom's lap, only naps in bed for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times per day. Makes for a long mommy day and not a happy mommy back from toting her around in the Moby Wrap
*sleeps pretty well at night, wakes up 2 times to nurse. Mommy usually falls asleep so Josie sleeps with me off and on all night.
*smiles at her siblings
*startles easily by Phillip's loud noises, makes her cry
*is generally a happy, content baby
She is in the 5th percentile in weight (11 lbs 8 oz) and 11th for height (23 3/4 inches)