Josie is 7 Months
Josie learned how to sit up unassisted during her 7th month. She still needs a pillow around her in case she topples over, but is learning to center herself. She absolutely loves sitting. She HATES the jumperoo, any reclining baby seat (except her carseat), and tolerates her high chair. I think we can see how starting baby food has helped her gain weight! A day after she turned 7 months she weighed 14.6 lbs on our home scale, roughly the 11.7th percentile! Much better than the 3% she was at a few months ago. She is about 25.75 inches long, in the 20.5% for height. I can safely say she is finally out of 0-3 month clothing! Yay.
She is quite the shy little flirt. When I walk into a room, or someone approaches us, she will grin then hide her face in my neck, then peek out every few seconds. She adores her siblings and makes a silly screeching sound when they are near. Her tickle laugh sounds like a dying duck. Her favorite toys are baby dolls, toys that crinkle, and toys she can explore with her mouth. When we are getting her food ready to eat she will work her little jaw around and huff with impatience/excitement. The best development is that she is finally sleeping through the night as of this week. Makes this mama very happy.