Josie is 8 Months Old

Josie was getting some chub, she went and grew again! Now she is back to skinny and long. I weighed her on our home scale, she is about 15 lbs, 9.2%; she measured about 26 inches long, 11.3%. Yep, in spite of eating solid foods she is maintaining her percentiles. Josie is nursing 4-5 times per day. She sleeps all night long from 8:30 pm-7:35 am, in the silly snowman sleep suit. She is napping from 9:30 until 10:30 in the morning and from 1:30 until 3:30 in the afternoon. I am loving that!

She hates tummy time, tolerates it for about 4 minutes. Consequently, she is not rolling and moving around much. She did learn how to scoot herself backwards by arching her back and pushing with her heels. She gives the best belly laughs when Everett gives her zerberts, when she sits on Phillip's neck, and when I tickle her. She can clap and wave bye when prompted. Josie loves to smile shyly at people. Her favorite hangout in the yard is the baby swing. She recently started making more babbling sounds. I caught her making these silly whistle sounds as she pursed her lips. Last week she finally noticed Dog Vader, she tracks him with her eyes. He will sometimes let her pet him if I hold him still. I started helping her self-feed. The other day she found a doughnut on the floor, ended up sucking off the sugar and spitting out the doughnut. Still no teeth, but is teething every other few days.


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