10 Months Old

Josie is finally starting to move around. She scootches a bit on her bum, bends one leg and moves her bum in a circle. She also can scoot backwards on her belly. She started planking a bit, a precursor of crawling. Mostly, she is still just content to be held and play with toys while sitting or laying down. She decided the jumperoo was not so bad, but only if someone else is around. When she points now she often says "dis." She also says "Hiiiiiiiii" while waving! So adorable. For all the teething she went through no teeth have cut through yet. She gnawed me a couple times while nursing, was quite surprised to get a soft flick on her nose. When lifted up in the air over our heads, she spread her legs wide in the starfish formation. This month she loves to sort through a basket of toys and explore each little item inside. She went through a binky strike during a runny nose and cough she nursed for a good 10 days. Instead of binky she only wanted to nurse. She is into the social nursing phase, rip off the boob to see what is happening. When I weighed her on our home scale she was roughly 16 lbs, 9.9 percentile. Not bad! All those extra calories helped a bit. She is finally noticing Dog Vader. Josie is not quite convinced that he is amazing yet. His tail whacks her face. But she does watch him intently from afar.


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