Amelia is 10

Happy 10th to our bossy, sweet, smart, loving, brother punching, oldest girl. The sass is strong with this one. Her sweet smile, nerdy laughs, and 10 year old humor make the rough patches quite endurable. She loves to take care of Josie. I love the tenderness Amelia uses when she helps out with the baby. I feel quite upset when she hits, pinches, swats, and annoys her annoying brothers. Having siblings is quite simply part of being in a family. For all the button pushing Amelia and Phillip trade with each other, I turn around to find the kids all playing a brilliant game.

Amelia loves: unicorns, rainbows, cheetah print, comfortable clothes, zippered PJs, a good animal book, her friends (Ella, Katelyn, and Rachel), school, crafts, ballet, drafting fashions, mac n'cheese, Mexican food, Reese's cups, spending alone time with a parental unit, holding my hand while I sing them to sleep, and playing minecraft.

Amelia hates: when Phillip annoys her and crosses her personal spaces, cleaning up, practicing piano, homework (especially vocab/grammar), surgery, and kids who are not nice at school.

She will have her well-child soon. She grew taller this year and is starting to develop into a young lady. This kid is going places! Amelia will have her next surgery on May 25th to remove the hardware in her femur. Seems like lately she is experiencing sharper pains in her legs so cannot participate in vigorous activity. Her ballet recital performance was quite amazing considering she had major surgery one year prior. We are all so glad to have this young lady to lead our pack of kids through the next few years of growth.

**update: according to her well-child visit on May 15th Amelia weighed 70 lbs, landing her in the 41.3% according to the CDC. She measured 52" tall, which puts her in the 14.9% for height. With her second hip surgery she lost about 8 pounds. She grew 2.5 inches and put on 15 pounds! That is awesome, the best growth spurt this kid ever had!


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