Just a Week
Mia has new glasses! She looks adorbs in her new frames. I "might" have upgraded her glasses because her old ones were too dark for her upcoming 12 year old photos. Geeze, that sounds vain. BUT when you have a vision...lol. I made the mistake of taking all the kids with me to Walmart. A load of kids whining about snacks, drinks, visiting the toy section....Argh. Drives me batty. Evelyn told me she hated me on the drive back home. Good girl! That's my job, you can't always visit the toy section and get a free (to you) toy. I had to smile when the littles found matching walmart doll carts. That offset the cranky me just a smidge. FHE was put on the back burner. Justin held down the fort while Mia and I went to a presentation by a non-profit group "porn kills love." Lots of valuable information went down like how to avoid porn, places where kids are introduced, sexting, and sexplotation. Crazy world out there. I feel naive even as a 40+ woman.
Spring is upon us! Half of us are suffering from allergies, the pollen count is hovering in the 90s lately. My head constantly aches from all the reactions my body is trying to tame. Our allergy sufferers are Justin, Mia, Evelyn, Everett, and I. Our area always seems green but WOW! the greens this week are electric with new growth, budding flowers, and freshness. I wish this season could stay, I don't enjoy the extreme heat.
Wednesday the kids dressed up as their favorite book characters! Mia as Heromine, Phillip as Chewbacca, Everett as Geronimo Stilton, and Evelyn as Shine. Josie spent the day dressed as a ballet, she quite enjoyed tapping around in her tap shoes. Her class switches between ballet and tap every other week. I had quite a few photo sessions including a cake smash, newborn cowboy, maternity, and a senior session! Phew! Josie helped me out during the studio sessions.
I was changing Josie's dirty diaper one evening. I exclaimed, "Dang! Josie is a Stinkerella!" She immediately replied without hesitation...."No, I a Stinkerelsa!" It was more the immediacy of her response that tickled my funny bone.
Mia had a long class at the library from 9:30-1:30 to earn her babysitting certification. The kids are taught basic lifesaving methods, how to protect themselves and the kids, and what questions need to be asked before babysitting. We have a certified babysitter now!!! Yahoo. We went straight from the class to pick up cookie dough for the YW camp fund raiser. I had no idea the girls and leaders made all the dough from scratch. Yum. Amelia earned enough to cover all her costs! Justin worked hard to empty the rest of the gross water from the pool. The mosquitoes are back and plaguing the kids. It took a sump pump and the water vac to finish the job. The little girls played trick or treat/santa for a good hour. Sitting near the laundry room knocking on the door and swapping toys and fake food! Josie got a crown at Burger King, dressed up then persuaded Justin to be her prince! He obliged and danced a few turns with her. I mopped the floor like 5 times just to make sure Gabi has a clean place to crawl about.