Compassion Experience
Well, I am most certainly in the midst of busy season. Gracious, I can't seem to get a good night's sleep per all the extra work I've got for Fall Family Photos. The day starts at 6:15 and ends after midnight for me lately. Thank goodness for extra work though, it means Christmas money! I can do this. Josie was bored one morning so we went to the Riparian and played on the large cement snake there. Tuesday night I prayed to be of service to someone and got a text at 6 am asking for emergency childcare! That was cool, I prayed someone called! That's the way to be of service. Monday I went on a long bike ride for 10 miles, not too far but far enough for me. Josie seemed to enjoy her time in the bike carriage, she had lots of snacks and books to keep her occupied. My bum was not so certain of the ride next day, it was a little sore. Phillip did pass his nasty cough on to a couple other family members. I caught his bug and lost my voice for a good 6 days, had a nasty cough, and many nights with doses of Nyquil. Felt like a rough week for me!
Funny story about Everett. He gets up most mornings with some new ache or pain. Thursday he woke up complaining that his finger, thumb, and arm were all really sore. As he said this he started snapping his fingers. Turns out he wanted to learn how to snap so was practicing his new skills for hours on end. He can now manage a soft snap...and earned those sore muscles! Took him 5 days to get a decent snap!
The boys are loving their last few weeks of cubscouts. Everett is so gung-ho about most things. He completely enjoys the challenges of scouting. He got to "swim against the current" for his most recent belt loop activity. Phillip finally convinced Ronald to try out scouts with him, Ronald is now totally sold. He gets to see all his school friends and have really fun time. The boys played "sockey" in the gym for a really fun activity. I was also at the church that same evening teaching the Activity Day Girls some watercoloring skills. Earlier that day I purchased a bottle of Frisket Mask Liquid, it's like a liquid glue mask you can paint on plain paper then watercolor over, remove the mask after the colors dry a bit, leaving nice white spaces. The girls painted their names with the Frisket then water colored the paper with a gradient of colors. Turned out really fun and super cool. I ditched the menu that night for an easy meal of cereal! We did not get home until after 6:30, just in time to take Mia back for YW Activity.
Thursday a crew of guys came and removed all the furniture from the boys bedroom in preparation for new carpet. Since the room was empty I took advantage of the space to paint their room. Went to Home Depot at 6:30 pm for paint and supplies. I got the walls where their bed goes cut in and painted. I finished the rest of the room after the new carpet and pad went in. I color matched a swatch of Everett's minion pillow case, so their room color is "Minion Blue!" Phillip requested that I paint a mural of fluffy clouds, blackbirds flying, and a clothesline with Minion clothes flapping in the breeze. I'll get right on that! Their room is FINALLY done, 4 months after the air conditioner fiasco. We are so pleased with the carpet match, the new carpet is a slight shade lighter but you can barely tell especially at night. All those paint fumes gave me a couple nasty headaches. The kids tried to help my paint, that was interesting. They all got one chance with the paint roller, thankfully Justin chased them downstairs to let me work quickly in peace.
The Frozen car broke. The left wheel motor somehow came detached, to reattach it would require some specialized tools or a lot of time. The kids love that car so much! It really gets a lot of use, hummm, do I get another one or take back the garage space?
Saturday morning I willingly went to a lady who stabbed my eyebrows back into place. My last session of eyebrow shading and microblading did not last more than 3 months. I guess all that sweating when the air conditioner broke destroyed my eyebrows. Because I was sick and having my womanly time the numbing agent did not work. Did you know your eyebrows are quite sensitive? Gracious. The lady gave me some stress balls to squeeze while I struggled to lie still. Honey! I am paying you to stab my face. Here's to hoping these brows stay a bit longer. I might be back to drawing in my eyebrows for the rest of my life. I cannot wait for resurrected eyebrows. Ha ha ha ha.
I signed the family up for the Compassion Experience. It's a child development organization that tackles childhood poverty. A few years ago the foundation came out with these semi trucks converted into several rooms that you can tour and learn about two children's stories with poverty, Yannely and Sameson. We were all equipped with headphones and an iPod. We toured 4 rooms telling different parts of Sameson's story. The kids were all impressed he started working at age 3 herding cows. We got to experience part of his Aunt's house, the school, a kitchen, and lastly his woodworking shop. The kids all donated a dollar from their allowances at the end of the tour, if they felt like this was a good way to donate. We listened to Sameson's story in his own words narrated as we went from room to room. Seemed like a good way to introduce the kids to other living conditions even for a few moments.