The Krakengard Experiment

 This story deserves its' own entry. Monday I was at the clinic with Josie for her well-child check up, Amelia was home in charge. She called me in a near panic saying that the boys were freaking her out by making each other faint. I had visions of the boys holding their breath or going upside down for long moments. The story came out over the next few hours. 

Saturday Justin made a short Walmart trip for aftershave. Everett came home the proud new owner of his own body spray. I hear Justin lectured the boys on how much to apply (one spray) and that this was a big responsibility. Fast forward: Amelia was in her room listening to music while working on art projects. Ambree was over to play. She went into the boy's room and mentioned the strange funk was especially funky. So the boys pulled out their new body spray and started infusing the room with Old Spice Krakengard. After a couple minutes Everett started feeling light-headed, did they stop? Nope! Continue with the fumes. Eventually, Everett fell down in a dead faint, his eyes rolled back in his head. Ambree suggested they spray more to wake up Everett. Phillip took up the gauntlet and sprayed more. Everett snapped out of it. They sprayed more. He fainted twice more, apparently it is hilarious to watch your brother's eyes roll up into his head. Ambree started feeling funny so she had the sense to get out of the room. Phillip rushes to Amelia's room asking is she wants to see something hilarious. She was like, "what?! (teenage style, heavy sarcasm). Phillip said "we're making ourselves faint on purpose!" She rushes in to find Everett passed out. They drag Everett to the school room for fresh air. He revives. Amelia yells, calls me to report. The boys and Ambree go out to the tramp with the body spray. They continue to experiment with fainting on the trampoline. Everett succeeds three more times.   

I report to Justin once I hear more of the story. We are both laughing so hard it hurts. Do the boys really not have enough brain cells to realize they are depriving their brains of oxygen and inadvertently "huffing" in their room. They are quite goofy for several hours. Everett was overly grumpy, testy, and had a headache the rest of the day. Geeze, I wonder why? Towards bedtime Justin had a (hilarious) chat with the boys about the dangers of breathing aerosol products and why Everett was especially susceptible to fainting (he had severe pneumonia as a toddler). All body sprays are now contraband and can only be sprayed by mom or dad. 

Make sure to spray your face each new day with aerosol chemicals if you need a pick me up. Krakengard is especially potent. 


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