Shades of Easter

Flowers! Bunnies! Bird song! Sunshine! Snow! It must be spring. All the seasonal allergic reactions floating around our family is another testament to the season. I am still struggling with the nasty chest cough/cold this past week. It's been hard to kick this cough with allergies layered on top. Justin started to come down with a sinus infection just in time for his trip to Utah. Boo. This week was a weather roller coaster of severe wind, rain, temperatures in the 70s all the way down to freezing, and today snow. I like waking up to unpredictable weather (within reason), 

Monday, I photographed a darling month old baby boy and his older sister. After that session I worked on cleaning up our bedroom closet. It is a very large closet, so stuff gets dropped there when open carpet is visible. When we moved in I set up a large heavy duty shelving unit to serve as storage for sundry supplies. That area was a dusty, disorganized mess. I quite enjoyed sorting through it all and organizing it. The shelves are now labeled, if someone can't find what they need I might get upset. Next day I worked on Justin's piles for a moment. I hung all his hats on the wall, it looks much better. Yay. Wednesday I stocked up on sundry items that were low like deodorant, medicinal items, etc. 

I taught the last art lessons to Josie and then Evelyn's classes this week. We are gearing up for the art show so part of our lesson was sorting the art by child and having the student choose their favorite piece to display at the show. I will teach Everett's class next week. I need to label each art piece by next week. 

Phillip's history teacher assigned her student to create a Greek temple this week along with a research paper. I advised him on Monday to not procrastinate the week away, to break the project into the doable steps for each day. I was not very efficient about hounding him, just gentle reminders each day. By Friday he only had the base ready and nothing else, also came home with an hour of math homework. He tried his best to create his temple alone with instructions. He needed a lot of HELP....we worked together Friday night to cut whiteboard, chopsticks, and use 20 sticks of glue for the project. I felt frustrated and overwhelmed, we both did. However, the final project turned out well. He wrote his research alone on Saturday. 

Justin had SCUBA class a couple times this week. He went down to Blue Lake in Utah for his open dive and final certification Saturday through Sunday. I think he was able to get 3 open dives completed during his trip. He left early Saturday and returned home Sunday late afternoon. 

Our Primary hosted an egg hunt...more like an egg pick up, ha ha. We gathered for a brunch of fruit and muffins before releasing the wild ones to pick up the thousands of plastic eggs. The kids walked away with half a bucket of candy. It was super windy and cold which made it a bit uncomfortable. Everett was thrilled to find lots of coins in some of his eggs. Josie chose her Easter outfit of a cute dress, bunny tights, bunny shoes, and ears of course. Evelyn looks adorbs in her own style of dressing. She loves the pinocchio skirt I found from *Lunch Box* (it's a fun store at the mall called Box Lunch) while thrifting in Utah. She pulled together a darling outfit on Friday.

The kids and I went to Subway for lunch then to DB Supply for some bunny snuggling! Phillip found a trek style hat and I found some rope to divide the garden boxes. Josie discovered that bunnies are scary, she bunny scratched her arm trying to escape. We spent the rest of the afternoon prepping the garden boxes. Everett finally got to plant peas, carrots, two onions and potatoes in his box. Phillip and Evelyn helped me water and plant cold resistant plants! It was so nice to be in the sunshine for a couple hours.  




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