Apple Cider, Fall Leaves

Evelyn is sporting a new orthodontic appliance called a pendulum. She’s been to 5 appointments to get molds taken, separators installed (that promptly fell out), all in preparation for the pendulum. The pendulum will widen her upper jaw and shift her molars back so her adult teeth can move down. It’s been a very challenging adjustment for her. The appliance went in Thursday morning. Justin took her in Tuesday to get spacers placed, one came out before bedtime with a chip off her second back molar, the other separator slipped out overnight. When I called to get her back in the receptionist said her appliance came in early! I took her Wednesday evening for separators again, then back the next morning for the appliance. She is finding it really difficult to talk and eat because it rests against her palate with enough space to get food caught up there. Plus the extra sensitivity makes most foods difficult to eat. She will have to get used to it…looks like treatment is 6-8 months. After the pendulum she will get braces to move her teeth some more. 

We took Oliver, Evelyn, and Josie to Fred Meyers on Wednesday. Those three kids are gooooooofy! They were shouting and carrying on all over the store much to my amusement. I love how excited they are together. 

Phillip had a very important marching band competition on Saturday at Mountain View HS. I was not aware how important it was until Friday afternoon. His teacher is not the greatest at communicating about these things until last moment. Phillip went to the competition without family support because I was giving the opening prayer for State Conference. He said their performance was ok, not the best with room for improvement.  I hope a parent took a video I can see before too long. He had several extra practices this week in preparation for the competition. 

Justin made a cake. Yep, I just wrote that. He actually made a dessert for the Caruther’s cider pressing party. He made a pumpkin sheet cake. Everett made cream cheese frosting, used granulated sugar instead of powdered sugar that gave it a crunchy texture. I am just thrilled he made it himself with minimal assistance. 

Stake Conference was really awesome. I loved the music, especially the string quintet performance. Elder Fernando Castro presided over the conference. The main topics were temple attendance, the Book of Mormon, and the first two commandments. Elder Castro’s talk focused on keeping the first commandment first, not making the second commandment the first commandment. That was a thought provoking topic! Our stake president challenged us to attend the temple to match our dedication to the Lord. We heard from a new convert along with the Mission President and his wife.   


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