Blessing Everett
John and Courtenay blessed little Everett on Sunday. Getting to church at 9 am was no small feat. I was sweating by the time we arrived. Mia and I made a stop at the restroom to fix her hair right before the meeting started. Everett was surrounded by the most amazing group of family members! He is one blessed baby. I nearly cried seeing all my brothers, uncles, cousins, and grandpa surrounding him. John blessed Everett with a powerful blessing of calmness, success, and leadership. I can't wait to watch that little boy grow up. We convened at home after sacrament meeting. John made four delicious salsas, seven layer dip, mini sausages, and James made jalapeno poppers. We had more folks at the house on Sunday than on Friday evening. Grandpa Everett got to hold baby Everett for the first time. They almost look alike, excepting the chin! Jeremy entertained us all with his superb guitar skills. He could go professional if he continues! At one point in time I caught James (complete in girly apron) snuggling with Miekka near the pantry. They were way too cute!
John arranged for a photographer in his ward to come photograph us all. Getting all the Lane Lance family together in one place at one time is rare. Another storm was rolling in, the wind was quite strong, causing hair problems and flying ties. I love watching other photographers for new tips and tricks. He had a wide lens I'd love to own one day. He photographed the whole family, then the boys, then the girls, then individual families. My stash of smarties came in handy for my kiddos. Justin and I took our kids back to James' home for naps. We were back at the homestead for dinner. I love hearing snatches of conversations going on throughout the living and dining rooms. It is intriguing what my siblings talk about. Dad suggested we sing hymns after dinner. We told more stories after the singing. My favorite was hearing James and Dad give father's blessings to those starting school. We stayed as long as possible before saying good bye for another year. My Mom and Dad won't be back in the states until July 2011, we will miss Punkle Jeremy and Punkle Jared. Hopefully, James and John plus their families will come visit soon (maybe Labor Day??).