Everett is 11 Months Old
I just realized while ruminating over my lunch that Everett turned 11 months old today. Course we had to get some photos of the little munchkin on his special day. Amelia and Phillip helped me pick out a fun location. They sang pat-a-cake much to Everett's amusement. He is becoming more adept at patting, rolling, and throwing that cake into the oven. This past month he made good progress towards crawling. He loves to sleep on his tummy. All that tummy sleeping has made him a little more agreeable to tummy time. He pushes up on his arms and last week started bending his knees and rocking. He will be my latest crawler so far. I don't mind in the slightest!
My favorite development is how he babbles and talks. It melts me to hear me him talking away about who knows what. He makes huge spit bubbles and giggles when they pop on his nose. He nuzzles my shoulder when someone comes up to greet him. He hates grass on his toes. Everett loves to sit on Cactus the blue horse and the Big Wheel trike. His most favorite game is to empty baskets, containers, and such. His skinny fingers crack me up as he pinches a bite of food.