It's All About Tonight

Dance Steps Studio put on their amazing recital Sunday May 4th at 2 pm. This is the 3rd year Amelia has danced with Mrs Margaret. I thought this year was amazing. All the dancers did a great job. The costumes were fitting and the dance numbers pretty awesome. I think the theme really fit the girls this year. We spent a couple hours on Saturday getting ready and at the auditorium for dress rehearsal then class and individual photos. I took some afterwards for our own memories. The apple/cherry tree across the alley is in bloom so it worked out beautifully our dance photos. Amelia's class is by far the largest. All the girls danced well this year. The third years danced the Ballet Dream Waltz, about a little girl who dances in her dreams. So cute. Justin left during the dress rehearsal. We scrambled to find a sitter before he left. The rehearsal went long because two girls were missing from Amelia's class. Justin headed to Stake Conference meetings and to the adult session.

Sunday I did her hair and makeup before church. We went to Stake Conference then came home for a quick lunch and popped over to the auditorium. Everett stepped into the wading pool, with his pants and shoes on. He went with wet pants and shoes. I took Amelia first. Justin came right before the girls performed since Evelyn was sleeping at home. He left right after to get back home. The boys stayed with me after Justin left for home. Goodness. Sometimes I am amazed at Phillip's energy. He was crawling all over the chairs, getting limbs stuck, and loudly clapping at odd times. We made it through the recital with minimal interruptions. When all the dancers came out and bowed a little girl raced up to Mrs Margaret then barfed behind the curtain. I caught a photo of her asking Mrs Margaret for a bathroom. Har Har. The boys raced up to the stage to deliver a dozen pink roses to our little dancer. We are so proud of her!  


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