Gardner Village
Early this morning Amelia had her 18-month check up with Dr Bosworth. She was busy raiding my purse when he came in. She stood up and waved hello and gave him a fruit snack. He was very excited about the snack. Amelia weighs 21 lbs 15 oz, 31 inches long both in the 23 percentile. Her noggin is in the 50th percentile...enough to hold her huge brain. Dr B asked if I had any questions. Sure I did...when will the little punk knuckle sleep through the night? In response to my question he asked how many words does Amelia know. About 100-120 was my response. He balked, then started talking to Amelia. He asked her if she wanted to sleep in her crib, she said, "No, Way!" Then he asked her if she wanted a sucker, she walked over to him snatching the sucker and saying candy. Then he asked if she put any words together, I responded like "I want you mommy?!" Which words she took out of my mouth. Dr B made me feel like a good mom when he said Amelia is a very smart girl. My hopes crashed around me as the sentence continued: studies show that intelligent kids often do not sleep well because they understand where you are and know what their desires are so consistently pursue them. I want to pursue benedryl and melatonin therapy. LOL. She screamed "ALL-DONE" when the nurse gave her the shots then as we passed the same nurse in the hall Amelia gave her a really nasty crusty look.
I started to put out our Christmas decorations. With Christmas music blaring I danced about the trees setting ornaments and snowflakes. The best part about our decorations is most came from our wedding reception. Decorating our trees is reliving that perfect day. Amelia yelled star when she noticed the decorated trees after her nap. Let the celebration begin!
Justin is now in California for the evening and tomorrow. We celebrated his departure with a Del Taco run before he left. Then to assuage my sorrows I went to Gardner Village (specifically Pine Needles shop) and picked up tons of ultra cute fabric. We ran into our old bishop and his family. Amelia tried to hold little Marker's hand and give him a hug. She started to follow them running as fast as her two legs would go. She learned how to say duck...first it started out as -uck, then duh-uck. Of course I snapped some pics. Little cute cheeks said cheese and smile when I prompted her. A woman after my own heart! Fun times.
See you tonight!