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Conference Weekend, Farmstead, Maisie

Conference weekend was so relaxing I decided to not write after the last session. It was nice to just bask in the spiritual glow. Conference this year felt very different because both Amelia and Phillip were not there. Amelia had to work Saturday from 10-4 and Phillip was on a band trip to the Bridgerland Band Competition in Logan, UT. Our new couch fit us all comfortably as we listened to conference. I made monkey bread for Saturday’s breakfast. A couple weeks ago Phillip realized his band trip would fall on Conference weekend, he started crying because he did not want to miss the last Oct conference Amelia would spend with us before she goes off on her own adventures. That was so sweet. We missed them both.   I worked on hemming 23 choir dresses for CHS, it’s hard to pass up the $15 per item gain! Amelia will use the funds for her Utah trip in March. We watched the new Inside Out 2 movie while I measured, cut, serged, sewed, and ironed the dresses. While my sewing supplies were out I

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