Phillip is 13


Phillip is the pinnacle of the strange creature known as a teenage boy. He smells, he burps, he farts, he slaps his feet while walking, his caught unaware look is a sight to behold. He is a strange goldfish. This kid keeps us all laughing. His newest nickname for Everett is "Foot Sticks." The word hank is a sentence. Phillip went from little boy to teen over the past year complete with hair, muscles, and voice change. 

Phillip fell in love with audio books, it is his best way to read and discover the world. He has a couple awesome friends at school, one even has a nine-pack muscular stomach. Phillip's passion this year is sleeping. He loves nothing more than sleeping, waking up at the BCOD is a terrible affliction. Phillip decided that piano and music are very interesting. When I check his playlists there are lots of Disney song, MCO arrangements, church music, and uplifting songs. He can be a grumpy foot when he is tired. His complaining moan is super loud and annoying. The other day I caught sight of a little compact, chonky child, reminded me of toddler Phillip. I about started to cry wanting to gather that chonky, wiggly body to mine and snuggle. Now he is all big and nerdy. 

Phillip weighed in at 137, 92.14% (back in May he was 125.2, over the summer he did not take his Adderall so gained a bit of weight). He measured 63.39 inches, 73.38 %...that means he is only .15 of an inch shorter than I am. 


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