Taking Charge

So...I am fed up with Amelia's newest sleep trend. I find myself sleeping on her floor more often than not. I feel like a parental failure when it comes to her sleeping. I know most of the blame lies with me giving in when she has a bad night. The bad night turns into long weeks of discomfort. Last night I finally realized that a little 2 year old is controlling me. A conversation with my mom this morning confirmed what I already knew...Mia and I are having a battle of wills. She knows I am too tired most of the time to deal with her night antics so she has free reign. For me, I have a difficult time ignoring her complaints because of her history of ear infections, nightmares, and the fact that she is a light sleeper. My mom suggested that we begin to teach Amelia to turn to the Lord when she has a hard time sleeping through prayer. She is smart enough to understand the concept. With a new baby only weeks away it is time to go through the ringer and resolve this issue once and for all. Wish me luck as I flex my mommy muscles and teach Amelia that sleeping is not a choice and she must go to bed on MY terms and not HER terms.


Good luck my dear! I know you can do it. YOU are in CHARGE!!!
Miekka said…
Here's to you Jen! It will be rough, but you'll both make it through. Hopefully with good results.
The Funny Farm said…
Stay strong! Sounds like you have a real head strong Crook/Witt! :) Make sure you have "On becoming Baby Wise" and read up before baby comes. It's hard to stick to that routine, but so worth it! My babies sleep through the night at 7 weeks. You can do it!!! You can do it!! Maybe you should contact super nanny?!

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