Happy 50th Birthday Cabela's


Look at those dimples!!! 

Last night we celebrated Cabela's 50th year of business. The company arranged to have a huge party at the fair grounds for over half the city plus those in surrounding cities. We swarmed the fairgrounds by the thousands. Cabela's brought in huge bouncy houses, the National Guard, Policemen, Fire trucks, etc. Even the state governor was in attendance to give a speech. We ate a yummy dinner of grilled meats, beans, potato salad, chips, and drinks. Amelia was begging to go play so we explored the outside games and such. The kids got their first taste of cotton candy. Phillip was not a fan! It was pretty muggy and hot outside. We left early to go clean the chapel. That was a bit frustrating since the cleaning carts and supplies were locked away. We did our best with what was available.

**our new table also came on Wednesday late afternoon! It looks MUCH better than the monster table. I learned a family of 6 kids purchased the huge table for their huge home. One day I will get a photo of the new table. I ordered the first table back in mid-April...it is mid-August now. Four months to get a table? Goodness, gracious.


Those dimples are delicious!!!
Looks like a great time!
Natalie Sue said…
Jenni! Hi! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I checked your blog the other day and didn't comment. I need to be cooler about that! Your kids are so cute and it looks like you've been doing so many fun things! It had been a while since I checked, but your little family is darling! Glad you look lik you are doing so well!
Unknown said…
Fun party! And super cute dimples! Can't wait to see the new table.
Jess said…
Your family is so stinkin cute! How long are you in Utah for, or maybe how long were you in Utah? If you're here sometime and have some free time we should grab lunch and catch up! I hope all is well!
Madison Grunig said…
We're so glad to have you back. Everett's little dimples are fantastic!

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