Six Doctor Appointments and SOCCER!!


Tuesday morning found Josie and I driving to Boise at 7:15 am for the first of six doctor appointments in a week. Josie was scheduled to get an upper GI live x-ray with barium. The doctors are looking to see if her stomach is properly releasing into her intestines and if her intestines are properly attached. Basically, just ruling out the most serious concerns with her constant bouts of throwing up. Josie immediately started crying when she had to put on a hospital gown. I found the same baby shark floatie she lost last year in the Easter aisle at Walmart a couple week back. She perked right up with the promise of the floatie and a bath in my big bathtub! She had a couple more tears but nothing extraordinary. She drank the strawberry milk flavored barium right down, sucked it down once she saw the drink hit her tummy on the x-ray! The process was quite cool. The doctor had her switch positions several times as her tummy released into intestines. She was done after only 5 minutes! The nurse said she's done this for 16 years and never met a child who listened and behaved as well as Josie did! Yeh! That's my girl. She got a Sodalicious treat (mostly for me) those pink cookies can solve many inconveniences. We rushed to the next appointment which was my first COVID shot. I'm totally on the fence about the entire COVID vaccine, I did it for the sake of marital harmony. Next home to shovel lunch in our faces then out the door to deliver the van to Les Schwab for tire inspection and balance. Then back home and off to gymnastics for the girls. I set the timer for Everett's zoom meeting, which he missed (forgot, intentionally forgot?). On our way home the girls and I stopped at a car cleaning place to deep clean Justin's gross hamster wagon vehicle. We went through the car wash then zoomed across the street for the 3rd Dr appointment in one day. Josie met with Dr Alder about her x-ray results and the next step. She needs to meet with a pediatric gastrointestinal specialist. We went back to the car wash place to vacuum and hand clean the interior. Justin was pleasantly surprised with our gift. He helped me pick up the van with tires balanced and functioning much better. I stopped at Walmart for milk and medicine. Next was dinner, clean up, laundry, and devotional. Phew, that was quite the day. 

Josie got her warm bath and floatie as her bravery reward. She was happy as a wet baby koala. 

I had two doctor appointments one on Wednesday and another on Thursday. Dr Kasper removed a couple more growths before installing an IUD, progesterone based this time. Here's to hoping those pesky girl problems take a little break. My resistance to pain proved handy this time, no pain at all. I've heard all levels of pain during IUD placements. The kids completed their school tasks so we had an easier afternoon with normal activities. Thursday I met with Dr Riley about my new Concerta prescription. It is a very, very shallow effect right now. There is a low level of energy that is helping me make it through each day. The energy is nothing amazing but enough to keep me awake when I sit down and not so sleepy. We will try the next dosage...if I can find a prescription my insurance will partially cover. I hate calling the insurance because I get involved in the computerized phone computer answerer game...and lose. Phillip won the last dr appointment for the week on Friday. We spent more time at the Walmart Pharmacy figuring out medication prices. Stupid...just ridiculous how much medicines cost. Big Pharma is a plague. Since we were trapped in Walmart of course we did shopping for Old Spice deodorant and other Phillip guided necessaries (gotta have that strange t-shirt, ya know?!). 

Justin took the boys to young men's on Tuesday; the boys had a Nerf gun war. I headed to choir with the girls. The littles watched a movie while Mia was practicing. Wednesday we ate an early dinner in order to be at soccer clinics for the evening. Evelyn, Everett, and Phillip got their jerseys than joined kids separated into age groups. The kids spent the evening learning soccer skills. Josie and I walked over to the park equipment for two hours of play. We got super dizzy swinging on a double swing for about 35 minutes! She loves to swing! The kids loved the exercise and learning new skills. 

Friday I went to Adam's nursery to buy a peach tree. Justin named it Wilbur. It will provide lots of delicious peaches. The nice thing? It is a low maintenance fruit tree! I only have to spray it three times a year instead of weekly like apples, peaches, pears, and cherries require. Wilbur is living in the garage during the night until the temperatures stay above freezing. The family ganged up after dinner to clean the garage after a winter of clutter. The projected 30 minutes took 2 hours! In my defense I was also going through clothes bins for Evelyn's next size and rearranging some bins to fit my new collection of holiday decor. It is a breath of fresh air to drive into the garage without cringing. Thanks kid-laborers!

Saturday we headed to the soccer fields at 10 am clutching camp chairs and water bottles. Amelia and Josie came with us in hopes we might get lunch afterwards. Evelyn's team went first at 10:30 with 15 minutes of practice and a 45 minute game. She showed off some cool, fancy moves! Evelyn got distracted by her cute pony tails, she was twirling her hair when she was supposed to focus on the ball. Everett, as expected, was particularly exuberant about soccer. He offered pointers to anyone willing to listen. At one point during the game his made his own game plan with two other teammates, forgot to tell the coach or the other 3 members on the field. He saved the day by kicking the ball out of the goal with moments to spare! His team won 2-0. Phillip immediately chatted with the girls on his team and ignored the boys. His team was without a coach, until a parent stepped in last moment. I have no skills, coaching a team without soccer knowledge is not a great idea. Hooray for the kids! Josie whined after an hour because it was blustery and cold outside. She just wanted to go home...Amelia hid in the car for half the time. She enjoyed secondary sunshine. Ha ha. 


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